Corporate Greenwashing Shifts Blame For Who's Truly Responsible For Climate Change

2 years ago

We've been trained to mind our consumption if we want to control climate change. But the fact is it shouldn't be on individual citizens to just watch their carbon footprint. The onus should be on the corporations who rake in massive profits off of burning fossil fuels.

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Many of the ideas that you discuss in your book have been debated with certain people. just like the over-emphasis on individual consumption versus a larger critique of production. And having this be at the feet of the government as opposed to individuals and largely individuals who have the means and the time to engage in the process of cutting back on certain aspects of their consumption. So let's talk about that core tension that you explore in the book. consumption versus production as an emphasis on climate change. Yeah, the first thing to say is that we've kind of almost been trained to only think about climate change and responsibility through consumption. where we get these carbon footprint calculators and we think about what we do in our homes, how we drive, what we eat, how we fly, and whether or not we have children. Like all these actions we do in the market as consumers get can be traced to various kinds of emissions. and that way of thinking just pretty much erases the role of the people that own and control and profit from production. And so you know, like when you think of your carbon footprint as like driving and emitting a certain amount of emissions like you're, you're totally ignoring the role of the oil company that sold you that gasoline that's powering your car. and they're making all the money. they're making all the profit from that. and in a larger sense, our energy system is an incredibly complex social system of production. you know the electric grid is crazy. it has to be balanced like supply and demand. so you have all these actors who are provisioning electricity to us. and that if we were you know focusing on that relationship of production is a lot more straightforward than all these kinds of scattered consumption acts.

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