A Fresh Start! ~ Raft (Launch)

2 years ago

Today we start a fresh game for the full launch! Lets see what has changed!

As always, Thank you for the support!

Be sure to Sub/follow my work on other platforms like Twitter where I post giveaways, and on Twitch where I stream on the weekdays!

My Twitch stream runs from 12pm - 6pm EST Mon - Fri (Sat/Sun: Sometimes! Follow on Twitter for more info)
(Playing: "Random Survival and RTS Games")

Media Links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlazzeValkurm
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/blazzevalkurm

If you would like to help out the channel, you can donate here:


Giveaways are still going on:

(All keys are for STEAM!)

All keys are from the USA. Some keys may not work in all regions! Please feel free to keep the keys and/or give them to friends. I sadly can NOT replace any key that is region locked. Anyone outside of USA may enter the giveaway, at your own risk.

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