2 years ago

In the video "TWO MOURNING DOVES -- IN EGG FORM," & also in "VOILÀ! NEWLY HATCHED MOURNING DOVES!," two offspring of a male & a female (due to the crazy times we are in is this emphasis of the two genders articulated) pair of mourning doves are featured. Here are the same two offspring not too long after a week's time had gone by! Incredible! 
      It had been posited from in days of yore that this same dove species is quite possibly the one that the patriarch Noah by the wisdom of the pacified Creator utilized to determine the Flood's water's abatement from off the surface of the Earth. Without Noah's mouth's testimony, or at least the Eternal God's revelatory input, on the matter, it is impossible to arrive at such exactitude as to which of the over hundreds of dove varieties the instrumentalized non-carrion-eating bird was from, however, & not to mention that what sort some may consider as "pigeon" (generally designated so due to being larger in body than what are nowadays generally considered "doves") today may have been considered "dove" in some era of the past.
      Speaking further of doves in relation to Noah & the Ark as a preservation haven for them & other animals that were not aquatic, consider that there is a particular error that starts from in childhood days within less-than-Biblical Sunday school classes that claims all the animal species admitted in were admitted each as a pair, when, in fact, that was true only of the "unclean" animals. Those animals designated as "clean," of which number were doves, Genesis 7:2 informs us, were preserved as three male & female pairs & an extra representative of any particular "clean" kind: "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female."
      Wonder why this much larger representation for the "clean" species & not so much for the "unclean"? Genesis 8:20 provides for us some major insight that at least partially answers the question: "And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar" (Genesis 8:20). 
      Our Creator deserved worship before the Flood, & He still deserved it during & after the Flood. Noah was of that mind, & so do we human beings need to be, too. To Christians, actual Christians, this: "By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name" (Hebrews 13:15)." Similarly: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service" (Romans 12:1).
      But unto all: "Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD" (Psalm 150:6). 
      Now, considering the mourning dove's fecundity (so much so that it has been said some parents have at times produced as many as five broods of one or two eggs in a season), & if it has the environment in which to thrive, & considering also the "three pairs" headstart, it is entirely possible it was not too long after Noah & his God-preserved crew exited the Ark upon land that the sounds of whistling wings filled the air & the sight of flocks of doves was again in the sky & the leaves & branches of trees stirred with the doves' movements. Thank Elohim.

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