First Reports From The Territory Of Azovstal Steelworks Plant In Mariupol

2 years ago

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡And here are the first reports from the territory of Azovstal.

Destroyed phones, abandoned or torn documents, various personal items, etc.

The most interesting, of course, will be looked for in the basements of the plant.

In some ways, all this is reminiscent of the study of the liberated Eastern Ghouta in Syria, when, after the surrender of the remnants of militants in Duma, they explored the ruins of residential areas and underground tunnels for several weeks, where they found a lot of things, including even a chemical laboratory for the production of artisanal chemical weapons, an underground prison, recreation areas, etc.

We are waiting with interest for reports from the underground "Azovstal".


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