The end of the Educated Fools and mercenaries. Part 2 of 2.

2 years ago

I am calling for a collapse of the world of educated fools, followers and fart sniffers!
The end of religious fanatics and people who just follow, without cognitive thinking!
We need a world of Masters not a world of slaves!
And when most people just prove to us, that they're comfortable to be slaves, and encourage us to join their slavery, we will speak our words into this reality to end this blasphemous situation!
The real definition of blasphemy is:
A curse to yourself
when you realize that; it was you, that was your God!
Truth is and will always be
The new currency
The creation of all!
Not a religious dupery of a fake god given to 7s by the Anunnakis who played God with Us!

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