Podcast Episode 7: Is This Almost Over Or Not? (Full Episode)

4 years ago

- Everything's Gonna Be Alright
- I'm An Alien and I Want to Go Home

Thanks to: Norma in San Diego, “Artist & Handyman” Greg in San Diego, Jeremy Fine & family in Boston bought a t-shirt, Patrick in San Diego, Jeremy “Typewriter Troubadour" in San Diego, Jamie in Washington DC for ordering an Old CD of mine called Movie Theatre, Aprille Byam in Rochester NY buying “Depression Proof” , Jared and family San Diego

- Full episodes only available with a $5/monthly subscription through Patreon
http://www.patreon.com/fastheartmart (PREFERRED)

Tips also accepted:
Venmo: http://www.venmo.com/fastheartmart
CashApp: $FastHeartMart
PayPal: fastheartmart at gmail.com
buy merchandise: http://www.fastheartmart.com/store

- Is this pandemic almost over or not? Some think this is almost over. I hope they are right. I hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
- I’ve been SUPER busy!
- Pandemic could be a big ol staycation 
- this podcast can be too revealing
- I’m trying to make these podcasts short, but I have way too much to say right now.
- I always wondered if I’d lay down and die or fight back
- where the heck is my check?
- weird vaccine check from CVS
- what are all the drug dealers doing for money? 
- story of dude messing with my trash can
- story of woman running wigs out and yells “6 feet people”
- people casing my neighborhood
- story of cabinet falling off my wall above the stove

- the harsh sound of my banjo recordings will eradicate significant numbers of the virus.
- suddenly everyone in the world is a musician on social media now, going live 🤷🏻♂️
- it’s starting to feel like SXSW where Metallica is playing for free right down the street
- Who wouldn’t want to be a musician? A podcaster?
- I am pretty disenchanted with social media right now. Who can keep up with all that at a time like this? So many distractions. We all know social media is just a way to keep your exes jealous and your currents in check!
- everyone support at least one artist through this. Patreon. People only pay for what they get. 
- Patreon is good for musicians at my level who are NOT like Radiohead
- I’ve pretty much decided not to tour this year.

- Play “Everything Alright” green screen video
- I’m gonna give green screen a break
- John helped me mix and master the tracks today.
- With people contributing to Patreon I can afford to hire help, which is what I’ve desperately been needing anyways.

- everyone is super sensitive right now. No time for my bad jokes  
- underwear mask with skid marks
- Joke: - girls posting selfies with their masks on. It’s easy to look sexy with a mask on! Remember that cartoon? girl looks beautiful with mask on then takes it off and has gnarly teeth etc..
- JOKE What did one virus say to the other?

- ask yourself “who is benefiting from all of this?” 

- car loan deferred, but they’re still collecting $1.50/day interest
- spending money unnecessarily is a form of panicking

- Some people think it’s almost over OR that there is a cure BUT even if there were a cure, would there be enough to go around? We can’t even get enough toilet paper… We can’t even get enough masks….
- Suay Sew Shop Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mask-response-at-suay
- PayPal I use Free option as to not give the Man more money than needed
- use unbleached paper so we can compost
-You can hand wash cashmere sweaters
- everyone support at least one artist through this. Patreon. People only pay for what they get.
- always be considerate, won’t buy the last item at store because someone else might need it more

- no better excuse to grow my hair long and be a hair farmer
- perfect excuse to go car free and be a farmer.
- my cilantro died :( Harry the tomato plant is doing well though
- gardening requires at least 2 hours a day
- store rain water
- did you know you can use pee for fertilizer and poop for compost?

- Play “I'm An Alien and I Want to go Home” green screen video

Links/credits for video description:
- music sound by John
- Suay Sew Shop Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/f/mask-response-at-suay
- Clif High YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqXZf0F4GLSX1QXBUgPXhqg
- check out People Who Hate People podcast
- check out Cut the Cord Radio podcast
- check out The Problem With Everything podcast

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