2 missions of Jesus Christ

4 years ago

This short study looks at the 2 missions of Jesus Christ the Messiah that His Father has given Him to accomplish. Jesus has NOT accomplished these 2 missions as of yet. He has accomplished the hardest thing that Father has given Him to do but He still has to finish Isaiah 49:5-6.
This study looks at the "My sanctified ones" and also the "offerings of the Gentiles on the 7 continents during the Millennium.
Here is the link to my short study called "2 missions of Jesus Christ": https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/115189/2-missions-of-jesus-christ-the-messiah-png-148k?da=y
Here is the link to my 70th Week folder that I keep with the folks at KeepandShare.com. You will find around 350 of my short studies in that folder. KeepandShare is a very safe cloud to use. I have 2 pages of short studies in these alphabetized listings: https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/show.php?i=2617550&cat=0&all=y

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