How to Keep Girls From Being Exploited. Tim Rarick on Fatherhood

4 years ago

Dr. Timothy Rarick has been a Professor of Marriage, Family, & Child Development at BYU-Idaho for the past nine years. Dr. Rarick has worked with several organizations to promote and protect the family through public policy, research, and social media. In 2017, Tim completed a sabbatical working as a Research Fellow for the Marriage & Religion Research Initiative at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC where he has published a research synthesis paper on the unique impact fathers have on their daughters' sexual development, activity, and exploitation. Dr. Rarick was also appointed by the governor of Idaho to serve on the board of the State Department of Health & Welfare. In addition to speaking in Asia, Central America, Europe and all over the U.S. on fatherhood, sexual exploitation, technology, and many other family-related topics, he has presented numerous times at Princeton, and the United Nations' Commission on the Status of Women. Dr. Rarick has been asked twice by The Holy See to speak at the United Nations on behalf of fathers and the vital role they play in gender equality and women empowerment. He also writes research briefs and testifies for fathers' rights and equal shared parenting in family courts. Tim and his wife, Jodi, have been married for 20 years and have four children.

family life education blog

One of Dr Rarick's articles on father-daughter relationships:

Dr Rarick's presentation at Princeton University connecting fatherless daughters to the over sexualized hook-up culture:


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