Epstein: "Imposter Billionaire" for Israel to entrap powerful public figures

2 years ago

- Jeffrey Epstein pretend Billionaire.
- Zionism, Israel, Mossad.
- Entrap & compromise influential Public Figures.
- Melinda Gates on Bill Gates involvement with Epstein - clearly distancing herself from whatever horrors this really entails.
- Bill Gates awkward denial of any wrong-doing on Today.
- MSNBC calling out that Bill Gates gave a statement where he insisted to The Wall Street Journal that he "didn't have any business relationship or friendship with Epstein", but new reporting from The New York Times outlines numerous meetings between Gates & Epstein and an arrangement was proposed to setup a multibillion dollar charitable fund that would financially benefit Epstein.
- Fox News / Tucker on Bill Gates connection with Epstein.
- The Joe Rogan Experience on the Epstein-Maxwell blackmail gig.
- Russian Times on Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell being Mossad Agents for a "Honey-Trap" Intelligence Operation to entrap policy makers, celebrities, & public figures to become Israel's assets.
- Narativ Exclusive - analysis saying they specifically went after minors / underage girls and lure the politicians in to get them compromised - more than a Honey-Trap, this is a Crime-Trap; a felony - so you're going to want them to do some pretty big things for you - not just donations for your charity, you're going to need that leverage to do some pretty big stuff.
- Russian Times on Epstein being a fake imposter billionaire who was allowed to operate his blackmail / rape gig for 30 years to recruit girls as young as 13 years to lure powerful men and that the US establishment won't do anything because they are all corrupt and American's need to clean house.

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