Scrap ArriveCAN app for flight travel, tech critics say to federal government

2 years ago

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The ArriveCAN app, developed early in the pandemic, was meant to be a short-term measure forcing those entering Canada to follow the government's strict quarantine rules. But it's still with us here today, and now quietly being used for a new cross-border purpose, after recent software updates that have broadened the app's reach.

Passengers arriving in Toronto Pearson and Vancouver International airport can now use ArriveCAN to complete customs declaration forms before landing. Other airports are due to follow in coming months. The government says that this saves time for travellers, but some tech analysts are not convinced.

"The idea that public health rationale was used in a time of fear and crisis to push this forward. You can't just coast off of that, and then switch the purpose of the app," technology analyst Bianca Wylie said.

Critics are calling on the federal government to eliminate the ArriveCAN app, while Border Services have said that the app will continue to be available after travel and public health measures are no longer needed. With nearly $25 million already spent on developing and maintaining the app, the government says roughly 700,000 in-person quarantine inspections have been completed, thanks to the app's data.

As the controversy continues, what will be the future of the app? Ross Lord explains.

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