Flagstaff - Day 1 - On getting new trail and ramblings

4 years ago

Headed North to the Kelly Canyon OHV Trail System near Flagstaff, AZ. First time riding these trails for pure recreation and not racing. Elevation is right about 7000ft with temps in the low to mid 80's. In the Tucson area it was 105-110 degrees this same weekend.

OHV resources:
Blue Ribbon Coalition: https://sharetrails.org/#Welcome
NOHVCC (National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council): https://www.nohvcc.org/
USFS Coconino Forest - Motor Vehicle Use map (MVUM): https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/coconino/maps-pubs
Red Springs Trails Avenza map - https://www.avenzamaps.com/maps/912203/red-spring-single-track-trails

TRS (Trail Riders of Southern Arizona) club: https://trsaz.org
Coconino Trail Riders club: https://coconinotrailriders.org/

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