STS 0207 ~ Speak In Tongues - Acts 2:1ff - Feb 21 1965 - Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille KJV bible teach

4 years ago

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Scripture Index: Acts 2:1-4; John 4:24; Acts 2:4; Ephesians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 1:1, 1 Corinthians 2; 1 Corinthians 14:5, 18, 37; John 4:24; Acts 8:18, 19; Acts 10:44, 46; Acts 19:6; Acts 19:2

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I'd like for you again to read the Word of God tonight as to what God says not VP Wierwille, but what does God say about speaking in tongues and so forth. Let me ask you when did the church start, on what day? Pentecost. Why every denomination believes this. All the denominations teach this. It started on Pentecost. Well the record of Pentecost, man, is in Acts 2. It's written here as - this is where everybody says it started. Its written as plain as day. Why don't we read the record and believe God's Word?

Acts 2:1 "and when the day of Pentecost was [what?] what fully come they were all with one accord in one place."

That's right.

Verse 2 "Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing [what?] mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were [what?] sitting."

They were not dancing in the spirit. They weren't hanging from the chandeliers. They weren't shouting glory hallelujah praise the Lord pass the ammunition or something. No, they were doing what? Sitting. Because ladies and gentlemen anything that the true God ever does is always decent and always in order. It's never out of order, never. The moment it gets out of order, it's got to be from Satan. It cannot be from the true God.

These people had everything in order. It filled all the house where they were what? Sitting.

Verse three "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them."

Verse 4 "and they were all filled [they were all filled with pneuma hagion] the Holy Ghost [Holy Spirit] and began [they began to do what?] to speak with other [what?] tongues as the spirit gave them [what? utterance]"

That's what the word says, that's what it means. It has nothing to do with what I think or you think. Has everything to do with what does the Word say.
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