Russian Sea-Based High Precision Long-Range weapons at military facilities in Ukraine.

2 years ago

Russian forces have destroyed several Ukrainian military depots with the use of high-precision weapons, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Tuesday.

According to Konashenkov, strikes were delivered from sea-based high-precision long-range weapons at military facilities in Ukraine on March 22. "Large Ukrainian army fuels deports were destroyed in the cities of Lisichanks and Kramatorks, a weapons depot was hit in the settlement of Druzhkovka, and munitions depots were destroyed in Nadezhdinkaand Novoalexandrovka," he said.

He also said that Russia’s air force hit 83 military facilities in Ukraine during the day, including "four control centers, four air defense systems, three weapons and munitions depots, and 68 places of military vehicles’ deployment."....

"Russian air defense systems shot down in the air six Ukrainian UAVs, including a Bayraktar TB2, near the settlement of Merefa in the Kharkov region," the spokesman said.

According to Konashenkov, 236 drones have been destroyed since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, as well as 185 air defense missile systems, 1,547 tanks and other combat armored vehicles, 154 multiple-launch rocket systems, 612 weapons of field artillery and mortars as well as 1,343 special military vehicles.
Russia shows a high-precision weapons attack on a shopping center - military warehouse:

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