Pseudo Humanitarian Resolution - Western UN Resolution on Ukraine

2 years ago

Enough courage needed to take an independent look at what is going on.

The Western UN General Assembly resolution on Ukraine was necessary to put labels on Russia, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasiliy Nebenzya said Thursday, calling the resolution a pseudo-humanitarian paper.

"I believe, there is no point in a lengthy excursion into why Russia voted against the pseudo-humanitarian resolution, presented by Western states and Ukraine," Nebenzya said.

He explained that this document is pseudo-humanitarian because "its authors needed it solely in order to once again condemn Russia, put various labels on it, on us, and to carry out a kind of raise of hands of those that are ready to sign a one-sided interpretation of the situation."

"We are grateful to anyone who mustered enough courage to take an independent look at what is going on," the envoy said.
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