Soul Singing Bowls Play Experience with LIVE Audience Participation!

4 years ago

Soul Singing Bowls Play Experience with LIVE Audience Participation!
produced on Conscious Conversation Central, recorded on Sunday June 21, 2020

Come play in the conversation with Sheila Corona. Lisa Flameno Rush, and BZ Riger

We took the idea of my intuitively inspired creation of playing with the soul singing bowls  for a song for Lisa, Sheila, and me... and we played with it.

It turned into a very fun and expansive experience as we listened to the songs live and all who joined us played togather in the expansion experience of the multidimensional energetic envelope.

Such connection and joyful fun.

come join the conversation-

come join the conversation- Find Lisa’s Heart Song Musings blog at: Find Lisa’s Rush Solutions Tools For Transformation at:… Would you like to come play in an energetic envelope?

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Would you like to come play in conversation…

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