UA Special Operation aims to end the US and its Western Subjects World Order

2 years ago

Russian special military operation in Ukraine aims to end the course of the US and other Western states for total domination, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview (Rossiya 24 news channel, Россия 24) Monday.

“Our special military operation is meant to put an end to the unabashed expansion [of NATO] and the unabashed drive towards full domination by the US and its Western subjects on the world stage,” Lavrov said.

Lavrov noted that such domination is being built with horrible violations of international law.

"It is possible to recognize the independence of Kosovo without a referendum, but it is impossible to recognize the independence of Crimea, declared after a referendum, observed by hundreds of objective foreign representatives, representatives of foreign public. The US imagined a threat to their national security thousands of kilometers away in Iraq, but, when they bombed it and found no threat there, they didn’t even apologize. And when neo-Nazis and ultra-radicals are being grown up right on our borders, tens of biological laboratories are being created under Pentagon’s supervision, carrying out some experiments that aim first and foremost to develop biological weapons - the discovered documents leave no room for doubt - then we are not allowed to react to this threat, right at our borders, not beyond the ocean," the Minister noted.

“When a diplomatic chief … says a certain conflict can only be resolved through military action… Well, it must be something personal. He either misspoke or spoke without thinking, making a statement that nobody asked him to make. But it’s an outrageous remark,” Lavrov added.
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