The Human Temple of Baal...

2 years ago

Truth Is Hated In This World, So You Must Seek For It. Seek And Ye Shall Find.

If this video is "false" and something to be taken as a "foolish theory" to just laugh off then WHY TAKE IT DOWN? Wouldn't it be better for the Luciferians to leave this video up to be mocked by the people?

Or is it because the C*VlD19 Agenda truly is the red carpet rolling out the BIBLICAL MARK OF THE BEAST "The Abomination V*xxine"

Although Bill Gates, YouTube, Vimeo and the rest of the New WorId Order DO NOT THINK YOU'RE SMART ENOUGH to watch this video and make your own decision on what TRUTH IS TO YOU, I challenge you to watch it and decide IF YOU SEE WHAT I SEE
(Revelation 13:16-18)

The MARK OF THE BEAST is not something you want to assume or take lightly. This is the beginning of the complete Mark of the Beast, after taking 6 doses , you won`t be able to undo it , and it will destroy you as a person made in the image of God.

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