Noah's Ark Training: "2 of Everything"

2 years ago

Here is a training format I called "Noah's Ark Training", because you do 2 sets of everything. Well, 2 sets of a lot of things. It was originally intended as more of a one-off or special day, though it can be used as a stand-alone program, whereby you select various exercises and progress through them for 2 to 6 weeks or so.

When I came up with this idea a few years ago, the intent was to provide a break from your regular program for whatever reason. It could be to serve as a transitionally week between programs, or you could be very stressed or too tired to perform your regularly scheduled program, or whatever else - as long it's a valid need.

By performing 2 sets of everything/a lot of different exercises, it is not mentally draining in that it doesn't require as much focus as an explicit program, and you can kind of just keep picking what you'd like to do on the go. You could have an idea ahead of time, or just have fun on the fly!

It works better in a format of either a total body day, or an upper/lower split, though you could adapt to movement specific or body-part specific days.

Here, I did this in a format of outdoor upper body, and 7 exercises:

A1 Handstand presses (braced, with handles)
A2 V-Grip chinups with 30lb vest
B1 Single arm pushup with handle
B2 Single arm row with 30lb vest
C1 Ring Triceps extensions
C2 Ring Biceps curls
D Standing braced Javelin lateral raise

Flow Markers:
0:00 Intro and Overview
4:00 A1 set 1
7:00 A2 set 1
10:00 A1 set 2
13:30 A2 set 2
16:50 B1 set 1
21:40 B2 set 1
26:10 B1 set 2
32:30 B2 set 2
36:20 C1 set 1
39:30 C2 set 1
42:00 C1 set 2
45:15 C2 set 2
48:05 D set 1
51:00 D set 2

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