The Seven Mountain Mandate of Apostasy (Satanic Stratagems Exposed)

2 years ago

There is a movement among well-meaning patriotic Christians that is playing right into the Adversary's hands. I mused some 10 to 15 years ago that this movement would be ripe to accept doctrines of demons.

I also want you to know I'm a Patriot, a Family man and I love my country, but America is in GROSS SIN and this is a Theological CULT. Which promotes Another Gospel and Another Jesus.

Read your Bible... Romans Ch.1 explains quite clearly what happens to a nation that turns it back on God.

-A deep look into the Satanic Strategy... NAR & Dominion Theology

-What are the Heresies?

-A House of Mirth Heresy?

-What is the Alignment Heresy?

Scriptures on Another Gospel and Another Jesus:

The "Seven Mountains Mandate" is a false teaching quickly spreading around the globe which constitutes the unifying doctrine of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). This first video studies the origin of the teaching, which is a form of Christian Dominionism, and its astonishing propagation within this movement.

See More: What is the NAR?

What is the Gospel according to Dominionism?

Part 2 Child of Drunkenness coming.

Video Credit to

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