How to make him regret losing you - or dumping you!

4 years ago

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How To Make Him Regret Leaving You - Or Losing You! (Or Dumping You!)
By: Carlos Cavallo

Breakups are heart-wrenching - and most women would love to know how to make him regret leaving you - or just make him regret dumping you in the first place.

And sometimes you just want him to know what he's missing out on. How stupid he was for letting go of you...

Yeah, it may be a little bit of revenge, but it does feel good to at least know he screwed up. And there is a chance he will come back if he realizes he messed it up by losing you.

So how do you get him to regret leaving you or dumping you?
First of all, going through a breakup with a man you are in love with can be extremely difficult.

A huge mix of emotions can hit you at once:

It might even be difficult to imagine your future without him in it. Whether or not you want this guy back, you know you have some unfinished business.

If you're really sure this is the guy for you, then you may want to think about how to get him back by making him realize what he's lost. You need to make him regret losing you before he moves on to someone new.

Time is short, so let's dig in...

One of the most important parts of this process is understanding what you're going through right now. You're experiencing one of the most difficult emotional responses called rejection.

Rejection is extremely hard for the person who got rejected because they had no control. They had no say in the matter. And that feeling of powerlessness makes the experience of getting dumped all that much more horrible.

Frequently, getting rejected may push you to get that person back even if they are not good for you. Simply because your system was put into shock when they rejected you.

Which means your first response will be an urge to get him back. That feeling of rejection hijacks your system and erases all the bad memories. It's literally like having the rug pulled out from underneath you, leaving you dangling in space about to fall.

There is an old saying:

"The one who loves the least controls the relationship."
Unfortunately, most psychologists agree that this is true. The person who has the least amount of emotional leverage in the relationship tends to be the one most infatuated and subject to crazy love.

Want To Get Back At Him For Leaving You?
First of all, don't let it be about revenge.

Yeah, yeah, I get it- that irritation and anger you feel sure would be better if you knew he was miserable too. You'd love it if he was worried about missing out on a relationship with you.

But you don't want this to be only about vengeance. Deep inside I think most people realize that's the wrong motivation for anything.

The feeling of satisfaction won't last long - if you feel it at all
It won't have the effect you hope it will
You will probably regret it afterwards
The best thing you can do is to let compassion guide you, not a need to hurt somebody back just because you feel hurt.

STEP ZERO: What They Never Tell You...
The one thing nobody ever tells you about winning him back, or just making him wish he had you back, is that you need one thing above all else to make it work.

If you are easily undone with your own impatience, or your insecurities get the better of you - and you act impulsively regularly, there's a good chance this will not work for you.

In a way, this is good. Because it allows you to separate yourself from 90% of all other women simply by having better self-control. Even if he is dating another woman, chances are she doesn't have any self-control. And right now, she probably doesn't think she needs any.

This is your advantage. Use it while you got it!

NOW let's jump into the steps you can take to get him to regret losing you instead of you feeling this way... And stick around with me to the end because I have to warn you about some mistakes you might make.

STEP 1: Make Him Realize ...

For the rest - watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
How to make him regret losing you

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