Is Truth The New Hate Speech?

2 years ago

Jesus was accused of hate speech by the Pharisees and teachers of religious law. As a result he was crucified or in todays terms, cancelled. He warned us that the time would come when the same accusations would be made of those who walk the narrow path of righteousness; who know order requires sacrifice; who trusts that Gods design presents humanity with the greatest possible chance at thriving in a world in which evil is ever-present.

He lived and spoke about protecting our children, the sanctity of the marriage, empowering the poor, how to lead by example, sacrificing our primitive emotions, and the true meaning of success.

As it seems today, if you lived and spoke as Jesus did, you would be cancelled and accused of hate speech. Because protecting our children doesn’t mean to lead them to live holy lives. It means to simply be a witness and allow society indoctrinate them into self-indulgent and mindless puppets. To watch quietly as their minds and bodies are mutilated; to have your emotions manipulated until abortion becomes a polarizing “womens rights” issue, rather than a unifying life or death one.

Jesus spoke of marriage being a sacred union between a man and a woman. Where two become one and forge a divine institution designed to be at the center of Gods plan to create life, order and prosperity. Today, individuals seeking a pit stop for pleasure, and government benefits can form a partnership destitute of Gods purpose and call it marriage.

The farther down we go on this path, the more it affirms what Jesus said and did. Many will reject the way, the truth and the life in exchange for the pleasures of this world. Ad hominem attacks will come your way if you don’t say what they say or do what they do. But be encouraged because Jesus went through the same thing 2000 years ago. And by following his footsteps you will learn there is a huge difference between hate speech and speech sin hates. Sin hates detests correction and the truth.

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