Salem PD Puts Man In Distress. Tries To Enter His Home. I Inform Man Of Rights. He denies Them Entry

4 years ago

This incident happened on June 10th 2020 sometime after 4 pm. I was at a friend's house and heard the police go by with their Sirens so I ran out to the street and they were only right down the street. This was a call for a well-being check and possibly suicidal man. As soon as I got there the gentleman gave me the thumbs up for me recording the incident. The scene should have been cleared much sooner than it was. This shows how the police do not inform the citizens of their rights and try to uphold their oath. They try to use certain disadvantages people may have to violate their rights. I informed the gentlemen of his rights that he did not have to let them enter and he exercised his rights. Let me know what you think of this interaction in the comment section below!! I humbly accept donations. Thank you all for your support is greatly appreciated!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!

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