NATO has messed up Europe. Is it now trying to mess up the Asia-Pacific and even the world? - China

2 years ago

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss yesterday criticized China for not condemning Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, saying that China’s failure to play by global rules would cut short its rise as a superpower. Do you have any comment? Is China concerned that refusing to condemn Russia will affect its relations with the UK and Europe?

Wang Wenbin:
You brought about British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss’s relevant remarks. I noted that she mentioned rules. International rules should be the norms governing international relations that are based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, rather than rules defined by a certain clique or bloc. 

Ms. Truss also mentioned NATO. Since the Cold War was long over, NATO, as a product of the Cold War and the world’s largest military alliance, should have made necessary adjustments in accordance with the changing times.

However, NATO has long clung to the old security concept, engaged in bloc confrontation and become a tool for certain countries to seek hegemony. NATO claims to be a defensive organization, but in fact it is constantly creating confrontation and disturbances.

NATO demands that other countries abide by the basic norms of international relations, yet has wantonly waged wars and dropped bombs in sovereign states, killing and displacing innocent civilians. NATO, a military organization in the North Atlantic, has in recent years come to the Asia-Pacific region to throw its weight around and stir up conflicts.

The impact of NATO’s eastward expansion on the long-term peace and stability of Europe is worth reflecting upon. NATO has messed up Europe. Is it now trying to mess up the Asia-Pacific and even the world? 

As for China’s position on the Ukraine issue, it is consistent and clear. We always make independent judgments based on the merits of each matter.
Editor: Zhu Yan ShanghaiEye魔都眼
1. NATO should reflect on what role it played in the European security issue and the Ukraine crisis:
2. No one wants to see a World War III: Chinese Foreign Ministry:
3. Bombing of Yugoslavia destroyed the world order and provoked the erosion of all foundations:

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