Cuban police kills a young man in Guanabacoa

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺 | The municipality of Guanabacoa in #Havana is mourning the death of Hansel Ernesto Hernández Galiano. His family denounced on social media how the #PNR #CastroPolice shot and killed him. In the morning of June 24, 2 cops harassed Hansel because he was not wearing a face-mask. The young man defended himself against them being unarmed. The police shot point-blank twice on his back. The police in Cuba has been caught repeatedly beating people up or arresting them for taking their face masks off. This time, the PNR ended up assassinating a 26 year old man. His family is demanding justice, while the dictatorship has been circulating lies & manipulations about Hansel. During his funeral, Hansel’s family had an altercation with the police. Our condolences to his mourning family and we hope there is justice.
Cubans via Alza Tu Voz, are announcing a protest in front of the Yara theater in Havana on Tuesday June 30 at 11 am, to demand #Justice4Hansel , freedom for Silverio Portal Contreras, an old political prisoner with a delicate health and the freedom of all political prisoners.
Source: Hansel’s family & Maykel Osorbo
Date: June 24, 2020
Place: Lima, Guanabacoa #LaHabana
#PNR #ViolenciaPolicial #PoliceAbuse #JusticiaParaHansel #policebrutality #freedom4Cuba #minint #ElCambioEsYa

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