4 years ago

Video Compilation by Fintan Dunne | Peaceful protesters, both male and female, were attacked in a sickening display of police state thuggery in Trafalgar Square, London on 26th Sept, 2020. Protesters were injured when police violently broke up a rally against COVID-19 restrictions. Officers removed sound equipment and police began using their batons against protesters -often indiscriminately and including against women. The atmosphere had turned tense after officers in soft caps were replaced by others wearing riot helmets and face shields.

The police moved in after speeches in front of over 15,000 people who had packed the iconic square in London, waving placards opposing mandatory vaccinations, face mask requirements and limits on civil liberties.

Police claimed they intervened because the demonstrators refused to comply with the very social distancing rules they were there to protest.

“Crowds in Trafalgar Square have not complied with the conditions of their risk assessment and are putting people in danger of transmitting the virus,” the Metropolitan Police insisted.

One of the speakers at the rally, Dan Astin-Gregory, a leadership trainer, acknowledged the deaths and suffering caused by the pandemic, but he argued the response to COVID-19 has been out of proportion to the threat caused by the disease.

“We are tired of the fear-mongering and the misrepresentation of the facts,” he told the crowd. “We are tired of the restrictions to our freedoms.”

The government earlier this week ordered a 10 p.m. curfew on bars and restaurants nationwide, along with tougher face mask-wearing requirements and increased fines for noncompliance. It has also banned most social gatherings of more than six people.

News & Video Compilation by Fintan Dunne for

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