It is time for Jesus to grab His bride and the tribulation period start!!

2 years ago

God has had enough!! He is about to say Son get your bride now and the trumpet will sound and all the true believers graves will open up and will rise to meet Jesus in the air and thousands of people will just be gone!! But all the lukewarm phony church people will not be taken!! All the wicked will be left behind to suffer God wrath and judgements being poured out in the 7 year tribulation!! America will be completely destroyed!; California, Oregon and Washington will get hit by a huge earthquake and there will be no servivors at all, Yellowstone will erupt and a huge ash cloud will go all the way to Europe!! Russia, Iran, China and north Korea will attack America with missiles and a nuclear attack all at the same time!! They will come into America and kill everyone they see and will take prisoners of war, a huge tsnsumi will slam into NYC all the way to Louisiana and everyone living there will be dead!! Biden and all the wicked in the government will be dead and in hell!! Planes will fall out of the sky and everyone aborad will die because the pilots who were believers are just gone!! All money will be worthless and all the rich people will loose everything and will go wild and many will kill themselves because they have nothing now, trains just crash and killing everyone on board, Wars break out everywhere!! Europe is destroyed to by Russia!! The antichrist destroys all churches and bibles because he will have no need for them at all, the entire world will go into huge panic! People will kill each other, rape each other, will steal everything they see, the police and military will shoot everyone they see and will turn into the antichrist protection new world order police, the antichrist then steps up and says I am the Messiah worship me!! The 7 trumpets will sound and hail mixed with blood the size of a house will fall to earth and will kill anyone it hits, all tree's will burn up, all life in the sea will die, water will turn to blood and will be poison, the abyss where the worst demons are kept will be unleashed and will bite all the wicked and those who are lukewarm phony church people, those who repent and are sealed with God seal will not be bitten at all, food will be no more and people will be starving, the antichrist will demand everyone worship him and get his demonic vaccine mark of the beast and if not you are hunted down like dogs and killed, you can't go into any stores without the vaccine mark of the beast and they will scan everyone who enters!! Only those who worship the antichrist are allowed to eat and buy food everyone else will be thrown into prison camps, shot on site, beaten, pressured to deny Jesus, there will be great persercution for those who do not worship the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast!! You will be seen as dangerous!! The last 7th trumpet will be a huge earthquake and will split mountains apart , then the 7 Bowl judgements will be poured out on everyone who worships the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast!! The first bowl judgement is painful boils on everyone who worships the antichrist that includes all the Dr, nurses, teachers, so called pastors who gave the vaccines out and everyone who rushed to get the vaccine mark of the beast will all get painful boils and deserve it!! They will be killing everyone who doesn't worship the antichrist and will be proud of it to, the water will turn to blood to punish those who killed tribulation saints who got killed, beaten, hunted down like dogs, thrown into prison camps, families turn their loved ones in, stores deny them food and they are dragged out and beaten then thrown into prison cells and the antichrist demonic vaccine followers will be laughing and will be proud of it, God will be destroying all the wicked and they will say fall on us fall on us hide us from the wrath of the Lamb for the wrath is here and who can stand and face Him who sits on the throne!! Jesus is about to grab His true believers out of this wicked satanic world and the 7 year tribulation will begin!!

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