Learn how to become a better straight ball bowler #52 with Dann the CD born MAN on 7-07-22 LiteBrite.#52 bowl video

2 years ago

30 games bowled in less then 3 hours. 18 games 200 or more. total pin count was 6129 /30 = 204 avg. game #1 = 221, #4= 238, #6 = 221, #8 = 231, #9 = 254, #11 = 225, #12 = 231, #16 = 219, #17=228, #18 = 231, #24 = 219, #25 = 244, #30 = 214
type in "Learn how to become a better straight ball bowler with Dann" in a Rumble search to see all my bowling videos.
To see 3 straight line STRIKE zones per board copy then past this in your browser: "https://rumble.com/v19hujg-learn-how-to-become-a-better-straight-ball-bowler-034-with-dann-the-cd-born.html"
It's my 34th bowling video of 45 games bowled

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