Planned Genocide: Expert discussion of the Vaccines & 5G Bioweapons

2 years ago


Col. Peter Chambers has a WARNING ORDER FOR THE COUNTRY:
"Wake up. We are at war.

Situation: The "Covid 19 Vaccine Bioweapon Operation" was planned genocide and was a crime against Humanity that was part of a multi decade plan of "elites." The injections are man-made BIOWEAPONS. The injections are bio-engineered, synthetic, and chimeric (which is a hybrid microorganism). These injections contain lipid-nanoparticles that contain pathogenic, chimeric combinations- microbes that invade the cells and genetically modify them to produce spike proteins. The HIV protein in the BIOWEAPONS dissable the body's autoimmune system, and these nanoparticles invade the cells. What you end up with is a vaccine Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). People, including me (Col Chambers, who had 2 doses and is retiring due to complications), could potentially be left with no immune system. These are things we can look for and we can find and catch it early, but it's such a grand scale right now that I don't know we're going to be able to save everybody and it's my job out on the battlefield to save everybody.

Right now, everybody in America, guess what? WE ARE AT WAR! So this is where YOU GOTTA WAKE UP. We need everybody's help. You are on this team now. This is why this Warning Order is coming out to (YOU).

Enemy forces:
The mandates, the people that created it, the ones pushing this, the ones who continue to push this..why is the Military the only one with mandates on us? If we look at the combination with the 5G... look, there's evidence between Coronavirus 19 and the exposure to radio-frequency radiation. (Why are they putting up 5G towers everywhere? Why are they putting them at our Military posts? Why are there mesh networks going down the highway for 5G?)

Re Havana Syndrome:
The injections are a Binary Bioweapon.
For those who are injected, if we're carrying something that could be released when this 5G trigger kicks off, which is about an 18 Ghz signal which lasts for 1 minute- 3 separate pulses, it releases a chimeric-pathogenic nucleotide that's contained inside those little lipid-nanoparticles that pushes them into the cells. Those are already inside our vaxxed population. That's where we're at. They've already done the trojan horse.

Now IT'S UP TO US TO GET THE WORD OUT, because we have to get to the operational mission part of this. If I continue on the WARNO rant..which is the 5W's- Who, What, When, Where, Why:
Who: is us, full spectrum Americans, we work and pay our taxes.. We are at a short fuse. We have to wake everybody up."
Col Peter Chambers.

Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G:

Fauci’s NIH Study Reveals 5G Technology Can Produce Coronavirus In Human Cells:

5G AND CORONAVIRUS (2.5 minutes long):

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