2 years ago

(Note: I personally do not agree with all that Jordan Maxwell speaks of, especially in regards to metaphorical interpretations of the bible and Jesus, but all his intel on reptilians running certain governments and world leaders makes so much sense in light of current events. This ancient invading species is definitely evil and are using humans. I believe Jesus is real and has been fighting these evil forces and principalities from when he walked this earth over 2000 years ago. There haven’t been recent miracles as Jordan mentions (as recorded in the Old Testament), but why would there be because Jesus already defeated Satan and evil at the crucifixion and defeated death by rising from the dead. That was the final grand miracle. Jesus promised his return and I believe we are in the season now. What I do believe now is presently there is a great awakening and we are under the spell of grand delusion where people are given the choice to wake up to the truth of our reality and the realization of the deception from world leaders and governments bent on this evil global depopulation agenda and final push towards total control and possession of all humans through the Vaxx hoax.

These invading aliens(reptilians) are now being exposed and trapped in their own lies and are in total panic. God creator allowed all this because of universal “free-will”, even allowing ancient alien species to invade and interfere with us here on earth or whatever was the original Garden of Eden. There is no way these evil invading species controlling the Illuminati invented Christianity, because they hate us and they hate God. The only thing they did is distort the truth and now infiltrated and totally inverted the Catholic church to their NWO agenda towards an anti-Christ religion.

My past premonitions of this so called “Black Sun” actually symbolizes this fake matrix we are all born in to and our soul energy is used so that they (these ancient Archon beings) can exist here. Only those awake or awakening can see these recent Mandela Effects. I think some of them are actually clues to what is going on. Like the bible word change, “matrix” (KJV).

The modern word “matrix” now replaces “womb” in the KJV of the bible. So, whether CERN or other evil intent allowed this inverted creation of a parallel universe, dimension or matrix, somehow the Black Sun is involved and this secret science or knowledge is kept hidden from us. Did these ancient being somehow create this phantom Black Sun matrix within this Orion spar of the Milky Way from our original location in the Sagittarius spar and somehow abducted our souls for their own evil means? They are either trying to draw our energy down to them or terraforming our world, bodies and minds to eventually bring them up to us out of the pit. Sounds crazy, but these are the conclusions I am making.

Do not be alarmed because I believe events are about to happen and it isn’t going to be good for these evil Archon/Reptilian beings. God allowed things to happen to this point, but soon some kind of intervention or biblical event is about to happen. We are about to escape this matrix, but only those who choose or ready themselves, for free-will cannot be interfered with.

Back in 2019 just a few days before my near-death experience fighting off a demonic attachment I had since my childhood. Through the grace of God, the attachment was fully removed. Believe me, you don’t want this thing in your head, the level of loneliness and despair you are sunken too from the demon’s perspective is beyond description. For two days in a spiritual confrontation, I know what it feels like to give up all hope. If it wasn’t for my faith and my solid Catholic upbringing, I would be dead now for sure.

I cannot get into detail, but days before this confrontation, only after months of research can some explanation describe what happened to me, a Kundalini Awakening. In short, I had a telepathic communication with an unseen singular entity (that was among many entities). They were not angels or had evil intent. Just like talking to a friendly stranger, except they made it known to me that I knew who they were and they knew who I was. Plus, I was given a clue to who I was in a past incarnation (biblical times) that explained a reoccurring dream that involved a total solar eclipse and the multitudes of people of that day panicking that the world was ending.

So, in conclusion I believe that the main intent of my purpose here is to be a witness to what is currently happening. At the same time, I have an overwhelming urge to warn or wake up people, but everything is still in little bread crumb clues of information, however slowly making sense. The last thing I want to do is mislead anyone, but I see no evidence that I am straying from the truth so far. Marcum – MyCatholicRedPill.)

Mirrored. Fair Use Notice
June 17th, 2022.
Citizen of Gotham

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