Jungle Taming 6-29-20

4 years ago

Hello from warm and humid Indiana! This is the time of summer where the garden changes overnight. Case in point--the cornsilks were barely popping through yesterday and now they look like horsetails! That means it is time to spray the silks for earworms and beetles. We use permethrin for that as it is cheap to get from the local feed mill (same place we got our straw bales).

This morning we tied up the elderberries and tomatoes with twine. Those fence posts were a great idea on Stan's part...now they will be permanent. We ran out of cages for the tomatoes--imagine not having enough cages for 70 plants! The uncaged ones are determinate but still needing some twine to keep them off the ground.

And that's it until next time! Lori Fiechter signing off...

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