Educational: Learning Chemistry: Periodic Table. Atom. Molecule. Chemical Bonding

2 years ago

Educational Learning Chemistry Periodic Table Atom Molecule. Chemical Bonding
Chapter 1: Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Strong Nuclear Force, Ions, Cations, Anions, Mass Number, Atomic Mass, Atomic Number, Isotopes, Nucleus, and Relative Size of Atom, Many Examples and Calculations Worked for the Student.
Chapter 2: Quantum Theory, Orbits vs. Orbitals, Orbital Shapes, Electron Configuration Diagram.
Chapter 3: Writing Full Electron Configurations and Diagrams, Aufbau Rule, Hünd's Rule, Pauli Principle, and Connection between Periodic Table and Order of Filling for Electrons, Many Examples Worked for the Student.
Chapter 4: Writing Abbreviated Electron Configurations and Diagrams, Noble Core and Valence Electrons, Many Examples Worked for the Student.
Chapter 5: Determining the Four Quantum Numbers (Principle, Angular Momentum, Magnetic, and Spin Quantum Number), Many Examples Worked for the Student.
Second Video - Chapter 1: Why and How a Bond will Form, Predicting Formation of an Ionic, Covalent, and Polar Covalent Bond from Differences of Electronegativity Values, Electronegativity Values and Periodic Trends, Relating Full Valency to Abbreviated Electron Configurations, Internuclear Distance vs. Energy Diagrams, Bond Distances, Dipoles, Shielding and De-shielding
Chapter 2: Lewis Dot Diagrams, Rules for Drawing Lewis Structures, Octet and Duet Rule, Single, Double, and Triple Bond, Many Examples Worked for the Student.
Chapter 3: General Rules and Exceptions to the Octet Rule, Many Examples for Exceptions to the Octet Rule.
Chapter 4: Organic Compounds, Alternate Approach to Drawing Lewis Structures, Calculating Number of Bonds Needed for an Atom, Constitutional or Structural Isomers, Geometric Isomers (E and Z), Cahn-Ingold Prelog Sequence Rules, Degrees of Unsaturation to Develop a Logical Step-Wise Approach to Drawing all Isomers, Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Cyclic and Acyclic Structures, Deducing Equivalent Hydrogens, Oxygen and Sulfur Insertion, Odd Nitrogen Rule, Over 40 Examples Worked for the Student.
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