Thors Viking Kettlebell Routine. There will be no 'Quit" left in you.

4 years ago

The absolute Best Kettlebell routine for everyone wanting to build muscle and increase functionality as well as performance. This is Thor's Current Kettlebell cycle 21 minutes long. Follow along if you can Viking Brother? Think it looks easy? Think again. this is jut one set and when you get Coaching from Thor Your Gaines are multiplied. Think you are to old or never exercised before. Well This man is 57 and did not start exercise until 52 years old! Started at 167lb now at 208lb. Do the Work! This is just a taste of what Thor offers in his program. Use it and enjoy. Not an Ounce of Fear! "Become Durable Now"

Viking Brothers and Shield Maidens, Join me now for this incredible adventure and start "Living The Dream" as we were intended to do so!

@RedPillThor or PM


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