Showing the world the level of stupidity of the general Australian population

2 years ago

This brave young man attends a "MY BODY MY CHOICE" pro-abortion protest in Melbourne and shows the world the level of stupidity of the general Australian population. In 3 questions the hypocrisy of these young, dumb,woke, moronic idiots is shown to the world. There is nothing wrong with my body my choice as long as it fits one ideology, their own. One stupid female,adult,human being has the logic that an abortion doesnt kill anyone?? And a vaccine saves lives even though it is obvious that you can catch COVID from anyone regardless of the fact that you both may be vaccinated. This is what our western education system is producing, stupid people that are so needy, insecure with no critical thinking skills attaching themselves to any media/government manufactured "next best thing" virtuous cause because it gives them a warm fuzzy feeling in their empty little minds. Last time I looked there is such a thing as birth control!! In Australia its not even an argument because woman here have the right over their bodies and if they want one go and get one, no-one cares. so what are they protesting for? The US makes its own decisions and they havent banned abortion, they have simply left it up to the individual states to do what a majority of their citizens want. If that wasnt the case they will be voted out and abortions will be available again!! I am embarrassed by the product of our education system, this is the future. Now I know why Australia banned guns?

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