Interview 253 with Esuah Arbadon

2 years ago

Esuah Arbadon stood in the Congregation of the Saints. There chosen by the Most High, the Lord of Hosts to restore all things.
Received the Sword of Jupiter from Arch Angel Gabriel
Mother had a Divine visitation from Fatima telling her son shall be born from out of Tiphareth.
First word spoken was a sentence
Willed objects to move age 5.
Encounter with the Angel Sandalphone at age 8.
Divine union with the Holy Spirit and baptism of the Holy Ghost age 15.
Confirmed by the Prophetess as the reincarnated Esuah.
Befriended Mashiyach David age 36.
Activated in Malkuth by Angel Sandalphone age 36
Appointed as BOA Master of the Tree of the Knowledge of.Good and Evil age 36.
Received instruction from each of the Sephyrotic Angels .
Divine visitation with my Mother (Capricorn Goat) in the Temple of Maadiym.
Married the Virgo Sanru Dove age 42.
2004 - Confirmed David ha’ Mashiyach.
Water baptized into the purest waters of natural law by the Arch Angel Gabriel at age 45. Wife Confirmed as Sanru, the Divine female counterpart of Uranus.
Created Wisdomcast in 2013. The Restoration of All Things into their Natural State. Natural Law.
December2021: Created Wisdomcast Astrology and Tarot.
June 22nd, 2021 forsook everything for the Work of Love unto the Life of Love.
Present: Wisdomcast Astrology and Tarot
Esuah Arbadon
Videos, memes, Reels and more on Natural Law.
Wisdomcast Astrology and Tarot
Assessments for the restoration of total health with Divine manifestations.

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