Fake "spiritual" videos & narratives for Western and UA audiences by UK feat. Lyudmila Denisova

2 years ago

# Ukrainian military carrying a border post for the show: How they make fake photos and videos:
1. Briefing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Against the backdrop of the political catastrophe of Kyiv in Mariupol and military failures in the Donbass, the Kyiv regime, with the financial support of the UK, organized the shooting of "spiritual" videos for Western and Ukrainian audiences.

In particular, on May 28, in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Meshkovka, Mykolaiv region, staged video materials were filmed about the allegedly “high efficiency” of the use of Western weapons by Ukrainian nationalists. To give the future picture more drama, at the insistence of the British curators, a "reconstruction" of the never-existing "battle" of the Ukrainian Nazis with the outnumbered "Russian servicemen" was created on the set. The roles of the “opponents” of the Ukrainian Nazis in the staged short film were played by members of the local territorial defense unit wearing red armbands.

For the absence of trophy Russian techniques "conditional opponent" in the frame appear on Ukrainian BTR and armored vehicles. The following video clips are scheduled for June 5 and 6. The video materials are dedicated to the testimony of "simple Ukrainians", accusing Russia of intentionally shooting at peaceful settlements.
2. Ukraine Official Fired Over Handling of Russian Sexual Assault Claims

Ukrainian official has been relieved of her duties over her handling of reports detailing sexual assault allegations made against Russians in Ukraine.

On Tuesday [31/05], the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, removed Lyudmila Denisova, the parliament’s commissioner for human rights, from her post, according to Ukrainska Pravda. No new appointment has been made to fill the role.

The move to dismiss Denisova came after outrage about the wording used in public reports about alleged sexual assaults committed by Russians, as well as the alleged dissemination in those reports of unverified information. Despite accusations from Ukraine, the Kremlin has repeatedly denied that Russian soldiers have committed war crimes or sexual assaults during the invasion.

Last week, Ukrainian media outlets and journalists signed an open letter in which they requested that reports concerning rape and sexual assault be “published with caution,” particularly when involving children, according to an English translation of the letter.

The open letter also stated that “it is important to understand that sexual crimes during war are an instrument of genocide, an instrument of waging war without rules, but they cannot serve as illustrative material to inflame the emotions of the audience.”

The letter from the journalists indicated how reports from Denisova went into great detail about the alleged rape of children, some as young as 6 months old, by Russians.

The letter also criticized Denisova for including details of cases that the journalists said were unverified and asked her to “check the facts before publication” and “disclose only information for which there is sufficient evidence.”

The letter went on to say that the information put out by Denisova’s office is regarded as factual by the media, and is then used in articles and in speeches by public figures.

According to the online Ukrinform news platform, one member of the Ukrainian parliament, Pavlo Frolov, provided a number of reasons why Denisova was removed, including “the numerous details of ’unnatural sexual offenses’ and child sexual abuses in the occupied territories, which were unsupported by evidence and only harmed Ukraine.”

He also stated that other reasons for her removal from her post included “repeated failure to perform her duties related to the establishment of humanitarian corridors” as well as “counteracting the deportation of adults and children from the occupied territories.”

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