2 years ago

Isaiah 26:3 King James Version
3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

You know guys, I really loved these verses of scripture, because you see in the midst of everything that David is going through, David is striving to do what is right, and that starts with being willing to wait on God for all of his decisions. He is willing to trust in God, and wait on God in the midst of what he's going through, because he knows that bottom line God won't abandon him and that he can truly take heart in how God will protect him. One of the things I did notice too, and how he is doing the right thing, is how he makes sure that his parents are taken care of, through a neighboring nation in Moab. But most of all, I see his willingness to trust God, even when the prophet Gad instructs him to not stay in this particular stronghold (Masada), but to go back into Judah. Through everything that David went through, he turned to God, because he knew he could trust God and that's something I pray that I continue to do.

There was something about this passage of scripture, as well as this morning devotions, that deeply challenged my heart in this area, because I've had moments where I struggle to wait on God when life gets hectic, when things get scary, and/or things get stressful period I know last year around this time, I was facing a very scary situation and whether or not my husband and I would still have a place to stay after a flood occurred, but God provided for us and it's something I'm never gonna forget. What I'd like to do right now guys, is share some things that God showed me from his word this morning through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight. I invite you all to join me in this vlog, and I pray that you learn to allow God to wrap you in his peace, and learn to wait on the Lord! 😊

So, as I close this post for tonight, I want to leave you with these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that they will challenge you to learn to wait on God in any and every situation.

In what ways can you wait on God even when life’s busy?

Where do you need His help to trust Him today?

My prayer for all of you right now, is that you choose to trust God, to wait on Him, and choose His will over yours, for everything that takes place in your life. Maybe God is also directing you to leave a particular situation that's not healthy, maybe it's involving a toxic relationship with someone who God doesn't want you to be with anymore. If you're a Christian, and you're dating/married to someone who is extremely toxic, controlling, and unfaithful to you, don't stick around! Leave them, and don't go back to them. It's not God's will for you to be in that type of relationship no matter what anyone says, so don't do you value yourself by staying in it. Trust that God will take care of you whatever the situation is, and choose to seek God's will in this situation, and not yours. Most of all, ask the heavenly father, to give you the patience to wait for the answer that God has for you, trusting and knowing that you serve a loving God whose timing and will are always perfect!



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