Interview 252 with Lori Hartrum

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My name is Lori Hartrum. I’m 54 years old. I'm a disabled army veteran and single mom of 5 adult children and I have 4 beautiful grandchildren.
Throughout my life I’ve always considered myself a light worker and have lived the not so easy life of a typical light worker.
My youngest are identical twins, Luke and Logan, almost 22.
Luke was hit by a car at age 6. He’s a partial quadriplegic with a severe TBI Who had made a miraculous recovery.
In 2016 I had a stroke with non-epileptic seizures and was in the hospital for about six weeks. It was not till upon my release that I started researching nonepileptic seizures and found out that I most likely had a full blown spontaneous kundalini awakening.
I guess the universe was shaking me awake since I missed some opportunities that were gentler previously.
This was the beginning of my spiritual awakening and my healing journey as well as my calling to start documenting the sky.
Over the years I feel that I am shown more and more in the sky and I enjoy the constant connection with nature and God.

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