Deuteronomy 14:1-29, May 29, 2022 - You Shall Not Cut Yourself

2 years ago

Deut 14:1-29, May 29, 2022, S-1490-KL

In this week’s study, God uses Moses to warn the Jews against the pagan practice of cutting themselves. Pastor Kevin then goes to 1 Kings 18 to review the account about the worshipers of Baal doing this very thing in an attempt to conjure their false god to bring fire down from heaven. Kevin also shows the current yearly practice of Shiite Muslims severely cutting themselves in memory of the murdered grandson of Mohammad in 680 AD. He then equates this demonic practice with the current epidemic of young people cutting themselves. Why are they doing this? Why now?

Moses then reminds the Jews about what foods they are allowed to eat and which ones they must avoid. Kevin points out that these prohibitions were to protect the Jews from diseases. There are no New Testament scriptures that mandate “kosher” eating requirements for the church, but they may be applied if one wants to eat healthy. During this portion of the study, Kevin alludes to his handout article titled, A Biblical Response to the Dear Dr. Laura Letter, which is posted at our website at the link below.

The final section of Chapter 14 deals with the requirements pertaining to the people making sure the Priests were taken care of by the people’s tithing. The Levites were told by God that they were not to own property, nor work fields or flocks, because they were to teach the people to fear God and serve them at the Tabernacle/Temple. If they were not provided for, then the people would not be taught the Word of God and would thus fall into idolatry.

The associated notes and links are at the church’s website ( under: sermon archives, Deuteronomy, You Shall Not Cut Yourself, May 29, 2022. Be sure to right-click and refresh your browser in ordeto see the newly posted info at the web site.


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