Weapons and Ammo from America and Europe destroyed/recycled for the umpteenth Time

2 years ago

For the umpteenth time weapons from America and Europe were destroyed with possible casualties.
They continue to send weapons and ammunition for "destruction" and "recycling" while ignoring the victims. What does it matter if the victims are soldiers or civilians. Soldiers also have families, parents and children. Obviously, soldiers are not "consumables" either.
* From the briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defense (06/12/2022):

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision long-range sea-based missiles "Caliber" in the area of ​​​​the village of Chortkiv, Ternopil region, destroyed a large warehouse of anti-tank missile systems supplied to the Kyiv regime from the United States and European countries, portable anti-aircraft missile systems and artillery shells for weapons systems.
* Брифинг Минобороны России (12.06.2022 г.)

Вооруженные Силы Российской Федерации продолжают специальную военную операцию на Украине.

Высокоточными ракетами большой дальности морского базирования «Калибр» в районе населенного пункта Чортков Тернопольской области уничтожен крупный склад поставленных киевскому режиму из США и европейских стран противотанковых ракетных комплексов, переносных зенитных ракетных комплексов и артиллерийские снарядов к системам вооружения.
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