Psalm 32: The Joy of Being Forgiven

2 years ago

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

In this psalm, the Psalmist speaks of being protected, delivered, and surrounded with protective shields. I know, what’s new from the Psalms, right? This is what is new. This time, he is speaking in reference to himself. Yes, himself. Specifically, about the evil found within him. His obstinate refusal to admit his sins and ask forgiveness for them was the source of his torment from which he needed deliverance. He compares his situation to cream that has soured and curdled in the heat of the day. Now that is some nastiness. Yet, once he had decided to admit all to God and ask forgiveness, things changed. Joy and peace were his. Indeed, they became what shielded him from his torments. What an amazing thought. Have you ever contemplated the joy and protective nature of forgiveness?

This is an original presentation of Psalm 31, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

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