Simple v complex carb YouTube video

2 years ago

Weight loss, weight gain, carbohydrates. Are they for you on a weight loss diet plan or not?
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As mentioned in my previous video, carbohydrates are considered a macronutrient and a necessity for our bodies. The two types of carbohydrates are simple and complex or otherwise known as whole versus refined. One of these is worse than the other for your weight loss success and your overall health. The takeaway here is to choose the right type of carbohydrate.
Simple carbs are broken down quickly by the body and used for energy. These types of refined carbohydrates consist of but are not limited to soda, baked treats, breakfast cereal, raw or brown sugar, corn and high fructose syrup, glucose, fructose, sucrose, and fruit juice concentrate. These are the carbs that really are not the best for you and can lead to long-term chronic health issues.
I get it and understand that eating on the fly, and eating simple carbs are quick and easy. But, try to be conscious of healthy eating habits if you are trying to lean up, lose weight or simply just want to take care of your body.
Complex carbs are made up of two types: Starch and fiber. These are the type of carbs that have more nutrients and typically should be used by people with type 2 diabetes. These are the type of carbs that should be consumed for long-term health as they are packed with what we need.
Eating more whole-grain foods, fiber-rich foods, fiber-rich vegetables, and beans will unlock your weight loss success. Some more examples are quinoa, potatoes, barley, sweet potatoes, raspberries, bananas, brown rice, and so many others. Just a simple Google search for complex carbs will get you the information you need because the results are limitless.
As you see, complex carbs are the most beneficial to your health and weight loss goals. Scientifically why you may ask. So you see, that the complex carbs are packed with more nutrients and digest much more slowly. Meaning it will cause you to feel hungry less often. And more importantly, it helps manage blood sugar spikes after your meals. Especially important for people suffering from diabetes.
Whereas, simple carbs digest quickly and cause blood sugar spikes, which will ultimately make you feel hungrier sooner. Again, as I stated in my other videos, carbs shouldn't be taken out of your diet altogether because it is a vital necessity for your health. Choosing the right one is the key.
I have links in my description below for some res ources and products that you may be interested in. As always thank you see you next time and stay motivated, don't give up and keep looking ahead to achieving your goals.




As always stay motivated and keep looking forward to achieving your goals for health and weight loss.

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