Cursing the Idol of Genocide

2 years ago

EPA Green Power, Gone. Roe overturned, Georgia Guide Stones in hundreds of pieces laying on the ground: and in reality, NOTHING HAS CHANGED. The direction of this LGBTXYZBS Luciferian Society marches in a straight line to the Abyss, the Cataclysm, leaders hoping America is conquered soon because they need some relief. The act is too taxing, the burden too heavy, Sodom ain't easy.

Allen Ginsberg almost painted a perfect picture in his poem “Howl” of the present state Anglo-American Secularism has created upon earth. It would be perfect if the first line was “Moloch whose eyes are five.” This is the Moloch that is sacrificing all the youth of Ukraine; this is the Moloch that is grinding up our children with nanotechnology poison and medical porn.
Moloch whose eyes are five.
Moloch whose mind is pure machinery!
Moloch whose blood is running money!
Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! …
Moloch whose love is endless oil and stone!
Moloch whose soul is electricity and banks!
Moloch whose poverty is the specter of genius!
Moloch whose fate is a cloud of sexless hydrogen!
Moloch whose name is the Mind!”
Look at the assault the so-called genius class has wrought among us, and tell me that is not poverty. More than sweet innocent lack of material possessions, it has become the monster sloughing to Bethlehem to be born. I’m thinking it is far past birth and harvesting humans in the tens maybe hundreds of millions as we speak. This is the beast we face and he is in our faces.

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