These Times of Trouble Are Biblical and Will Get Worse

2 years ago

Everything going on in the world is leading to the final biblical events. The pandemic was like a domino getting knocked over. We have gone through two years of global orchestrated fear. Now we are rolling to so many other troubles that it will all lead to eventual national emergency being implemented and the entire world will cry out to all the world organizations for help. It’s all by design and all planned by master minds of evil. It’s all scriptural what we see happening. This video just scratches the surface but hopefully sounds the alarm for anyone who isn’t following Jesus Christ. The time to get ready spiritually and awaken yourself, family and loved ones is now.

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Crossing Jordan Ministries is under the inspirational leadership of Jesus Christ and is directed and managed by Gregory Ciola. The significant spiritual name of this ministry began in 2009 after the birth of our son Jordan who was miraculously saved by God during a life-threatening experience he encountered at birth. The Israelites were led across the Jordan River in a miraculous way to get to the promised land.

(See Joshua Chapter 3 and 4 entire chapters).

The Bible account says that as soon as the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant touched the water that the river split in two and dried up allowing the Israelites to cross like the parting of the Red Sea with Moses.

John the Baptist spent his entire ministry preparing the hearts of the people to be ready to meet the Messiah. The thing he is most noted for is the national baptism he was conducting in Jordan to get people to repent and get ready to meet Jesus. John’s entire ministry was situated around the Jordan River near the spot where the Israelites first crossed.

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