Alpine glacier collapses in Italy, 6 dead and 10 missing. The moment the glacier breaks off

2 years ago

1. The moment when a glacier breaks off
2a. A large chunk of Alpine glacier has broken loose and slid down a mountainside in northern Italy, sending ice, snow and rock slamming into hikers on a popular trail on the peak and killing at least five and injuring eight, authorities said.

“Rescue operations are in progress following a large ice avalanche involving excursionists”, the Trento provincial government said on Sunday, adding that there was likely to be a “heavy toll” of injuries or deaths.
Italian RAI state television said the fatalities numbered six, but that death toll could not immediately be confirmed. It was not known how many hikers might be missing.

The National Alpine and Cave Rescue Corps tweeted that the search of the affected area of Marmolada mountain involved at least five helicopters and rescue dogs.
2b. According to regional officials, temperatures at the summit of the Marmolada were around 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit). Normally temperatures remain below freezing (0 degrees Celsius; 32 degrees Fahrenheit) all year on the highest peaks of the Alps.
1b. Crolla ampio blocco di ghiaccio sulla Marmolada , 6 morti, 8 feriti, una decina i dispersi

E' di sei morti, 8 feriti di cui uno grave e una decina di dispersi il bilancio provvisorio delle vittime del crollo di un enorme #seracco sulla Marmolada. Lo rende noto, all'ANSA, Gianpaolo Bottacin, assessore regionale del Veneto alla Protezione civile.

"La situazione è in evoluzione - afferma - ed è difficile allo stato attuale dare con certezza conto dell'accaduto".

"Sto costantemente informando - conclude - il Capo del Dipartimento della protezione civile Fabrizio Curcio".

Secondo quanto si apprende da fonti dei soccorritori, i corpi sarebbero stati estratti dalla massa di ghiaccio ma non ancora recuperati e portati a valle. Le ricerche sono ancora in corso per verificare la presenza di altre persone.
[ANSA IT 3/7/2022]
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