why would i wanna believe that if it wasn't true

2 years ago

better thoughts whilst driving
you tell me vortex...are my thoughts good?
cucumbersome is ag
the man in my head, born: nov 28, 85
multiple personality is a made up disorder
lying bitch and her lying psychiatrist
made for tv...fuckin duh
anytime sumin gets that much attention you know it's a buncha bullshit
we learned about "sybil" in public school psychology class
this is the finality of their experiment
i guess nobody really knows what history is
i don't wanna listen to those mfs
3 days later we find out
that shot is made from aborted fetuses
rhymes w/ quackzine and whackzine
vac is short for vacuum (think shop vac)
stem cell research for good, right
they always hide behind a curtain of good intentions
we're against all forms of abortion
saw this on a children's hospital website
they're legally obligated to inform the public
so much that they don't tell you possibly cos they really dunno
even the smartest people in every profession
not people that follow the rules
you gotta challenge under the radar
stop trying to be mainstream
you can't make the sheep understand
they might not be terrible but they're willfully ignorant (not outta maliciousness just wiring)
i wish i could rewire everyone to be just like ag
God has not enabled me w/ superpowers
flax seeds, so many oats
so jelly of my green swish
success we did not crash into the cars (we say this like every day)
i noticed that five oh outta my peripheral
we just ran the red light right after we saw that cop
...just to say fuck em
we're at work so...
natural tendancy to yack *you already know, vortex

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