more political theatre right.on.time...the tiny dot strikes again!

2 years ago

very exciting news haha
the direction is always straight to hell (when controlled like this)
my priest was the one that informed me of this
decision happened fri, it is now sunday
i find out thru other people (always)
it's all a buncha bullshit anyway
i just wait for them to tell me haha
didn't know trump was prez for 3 days
so cool that way...
everybody wants to be relevant, that's what you get
caring about anything is irrelevant
don't chu know that politicians don't give a shit
pretend they're passionate at these protest rallies
living their life doing what they think is right
the biggest fuck you is doing the right thing
giant middle finger to all dem mfs working for satan
they couldn't be quiet if you paid them
silent wiccan prayer hahahaha
i can't see it happening yawl, they're too loud n proud to be terrible
you lead by example doing God's will
day to day action should be a better provider of belief system than stage presence
choreographed dance...everybody
so many good ones getting caught in crossfire
you make a much bigger difference not doing what they want
be active in your own mfing community
can't fix the big whigs, damnit
you miss out on what's happening right in front of you
put hope/faith in the Lord, not the country that lies to its' citizens 24/7
the devil wants to confuse everyone, easily convinced is my country
fuck you camry, i used to have one back in the day
so pissed off that i'm spitting
God's adversary is the opposite of truth
united we stand divided we fall
wtf you talking about EVER (patriots astound me)

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