World Bigfoot TV ~ COLOMA June 2022, Bigfoot, Ghosts and Little People? / MBP FIELD TEAM

2 years ago

The Montana Bigfoot Project field research team at the Ghost town of Coloma Montana, June 23-26, 2022. Following up on previous finds there, the team tries to verify a picture of a cloaked entity photographed there a few years ago, and find things they were certainly not expecting! Michael M, Ashton S and Duke also investigate areas nearby the team has never been to, so DON'T MISS THIS SHOW~! CONTACT DUKE AT: BECOME A CO-PRODUCER and get YOUR NAME on the show credits! Send support to ~ PAYPAL.ME/WORLDBIGFOOTCENTRAL SWAG available at: TEESPRING.COM/STORES/WORLD-BIGFOOT-CENTRAL THANKS FOR WATCHING, P L E A S E! Hit the LIKE BUTTON and SHARE with friends!

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