ReddCoin (RDD) - A Tour of the project by TechAdept

2 years ago

ReddCoin (Rdd) is one of the original first generation altcoin projects, begun in 2014. RDD is a pure staking project (PoSVv2), and a pioneer in the field of crypto and staking. We've continued to advance the technology concurrent with the BTC Core team, and provide a safe, secure, fast, zero-to-low fee blockchain that's unaffected by other chains' stops, starts and falls.

As a native blockchain ,we're one of the fastest and cheapest around, and staking to secure the ReddCoin network returns almost 10% annually; no muss, no fuss, no locked coins, no fees, no scams or vanishing dev teams.
We've been here and working as volunteers since 2014, and as a self-funded PoSVv2 project, without significant investors or ICO funding, we're proud to keep on keeping on. Learn about Redd, join the community and become a ReddHead today!

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