Rick Brown | The Clot Shot is Killing Fertility | Liberty Station Ep 83

2 years ago

Tonight Bryce Eddy and Rick Brown have a very candid conversation about the VAERS data that shows exponential increases in pregnancy and fetal complications due to the clot shot. They also discuss how these shots are destroying fertility in both men and women.

If you want to view a copy of the article being covered tonight you can check out the Epoch Times article here - https://www.theepochtimes.com/covid-vaccines-increase-menstrual-irregularities-thousandfold-fetal-abnormalities-hundredfold-doctors-vaers-analysis_4564754.html

You can also see the PDF created by Rick here - https://pdfhost.io/v/tHRZN58jr_Microsoft_Word_COVID_Vaccines_Increase_Menstrual_Irregularities_Thousandfolddocx

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