The Opossum Power Animal

2 years ago

Welcome to the world of power animals. I started this website because most people don’t know the benefits of having their own power animal. Spirit animals provide love and support through timely messages that can really help us. Today we’ll look at the opossum.

There are over 65 species of opossums in the world. They’re resourceful, intelligent, and have amazing dexterity with their paws. Opossums can travel and adapt to a wide range of environments eating almost anything. They’re good climbers and spend most of their nights searching for food. They have a strong immune system and can eat even poisonous snakes and ticks. They’re the only North American marsupials, carrying babies in their pouch, so they’re extremely protective of their young. Opossums can strategize well and are masters of deception. They know how to lie low and keep camouflaged in the face of predators. Their greatest survival instinct is their ability to play dead. At first, they may hiss and show their teeth but if that doesn’t work, they faint, froth, and produce a musk smell which mimics the odor of death.

Opossums can figure out how to cope with any situation. They’re symbols of fertility, disguise, and protection. When you need to quickly figure something out, call on the spirit of the opossum. Visit our website for a power animal reading and to learn what the different spirit animals can teach us.

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